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Sporting Times: 175 Years

by Boria Majumdar
Publisher: Times Group Books (2013)    |     ISBN 10: 9382299408    |     ISBN 13: 9789382299400
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When the Indians won their third consecutive Olympic Hockey gold at Berlin in 1936 under Dhyan Chand, history was made. A colony had asserted itself in front of the biggest sporting gathering of all. Back home, the victory inspired millions to dream big. That they did was evident when India thrashed Britain 4-0 within a year of winning independence at the London Olympics in 1948. The nationalist significance of the victory was overwhelming. It acted as a catalyst in uniting a just independent nation. And when the Indians lifted the Prudential Cup at Lords in 1983 two things occurred simultaneously India had started its march to becoming world cricket's new nerve centre and had moved the epicenter of cricket from Lords to the sub-continent. This transformation was complete when the Indians won the world cup at home on 2 April 2011. It was a night like no other. It was India's second tryst with cricketing destiny. In all of these victories, there is one common chord. The Times of India. TOI reported these victories at length and made us feel proud and triumphant. TOI, as this book shows, has been a constant in Indian sport for the last 175 years. On the occasion of the paper's 175th anniversary it is only just that we chronicle this fascinating journey.
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About the Author
Boria Majumdar, a Rhodes Scholar, is the author of a number of much acclaimed books on Indian sport, which include Twenty-Two Yards to Freedom: A Social History of Indian Cricket ......
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