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Anant Raag; Infinite Verse

by Amit Khanna
Publisher: HarperCollins India (2013)    |     ISBN 10:     |     ISBN 13: 9789350294109
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Book Summary
Simple yet profound and powerful, the poems deal with themes of absence, loss, pain, love and joy Poet, lyricist, film producer and director Amit Khanna has been at the cutting edge of media for over four decades. In this, his first collection of poems, written in Hindi as well as translated into English by him, Khanna captures moments – a thought, a notion, an image, a sound, or sometimes, even sheer silence – often disparate from the continuum and translucence of everyday life. Simple yet profound and powerful, the poems deal with themes of absence, loss, pain, love and joy. Anant Raag/ Infinite Verse is the author’s conversation with readers, and they will surely want more.
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About the Author
Amit Khanna was born and brought up in Delhi. He dabbled in journalism, advertising, theatre, radio and television in the 1960s before coming to Mumbai to work with ......
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