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  • Price: ₹ 299/-
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The Adventures of Rusty Collected Stories

by Ruskin Bond
Publisher: Puffin (1970)    |     ISBN 10: 0143332228    |     ISBN 13: 9780143332220
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Book Summary
Rusty, the boy whose stories have charmed and entertained children for years, brings together his best adventures in one volume! From the time he was a boy living with his grandparents in Dehra, surrounded by an assortment of odd animals, people and relatives, to when he gets sent away to school, then makes his way to London and becomes a writer, Rusty?s had more adventures than we can count. The Adventures of Rusty brings together his best, funniest, most exciting escapades. In these pages there?s Toto, the monkey that travelled in a bag in a train; an encounter with a leopard; life as a young writer in faraway London; and the return home to roots that were always loved and never forgotten. An evergreen classic of children?s writing in India, Rusty?s stories will be enjoyed like never before in this omnibus edition.
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