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Shakuntala and other Timeless

by Adithi Rao
Publisher: Puffin (1970)    |     ISBN 10: 8184776977    |     ISBN 13: 9788184776973
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Book Summary
The lively stories in this book capture the magic and wonder of six great works from the golden ages of Sanskrit and Tamil Literature: Kalidasa?s Abhijnanashakuntalam, the great saga of forgotten love between Shakuntala and the kind Dushyanta; Shudraka?s Mrichchakatika, the epic romance between the impoverished Charudatta and the courtesan Vasantasena, played out against a backdrop of political intrigue and mystery. Bhavabhuti?s Uttararamacharita, the compelling retelling of the story of Rama and Sita. Illanko Adigal?s Silappadikaram, the tale of the epic revenge executed by the strong and beautiful Kannagi. Sattanar?s Manimekalai, the quest of an extraordinary woman to master the truths that define our existence. Bhasa?s Urubhangam, the stirring tale from the Mahabharata that culminates in the final battle between Duryodhana and Bheema at Kurukshetra.
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