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  • Price: ₹ 199/-
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Rusty Runs Away

by Ruskin Bond
Publisher: Puffin (1970)    |     ISBN 10: 014333543X    |     ISBN 13: 9780143335436
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In the five years of his life that this book traces, Rusty?s world is turned topsy-turvy as change after change besiege him. After his father and grandmother pass away in quick succession, the twelve-year-old is left in the care of a guardian, Mr Harrison, in Dehra. But after a mysterious incident involving his stepfather and the gardener, he is sent away to boarding school. A restlessness compels him to run away from school, with an ambition to cross the seas and travel the world. But the plan fails, and soon he is back in Dehra, in the care of his strict guardian. Rusty is now seventeen. He rebels and leaves home again, this time for good?
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