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  • Price: ₹ 150/-
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Narayanpur Incident

by Shashi Deshpande
Publisher: Puffin (1970)    |     ISBN 10: 0140375414    |     ISBN 13: 9780140375411
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8 August 1942. ?Quit India!? Gandhiji warns the British. As he and most leaders are put in jail the very next day, the people rise in protest and so begins the Quit India movement of 1942. Babu and Manju suddenly find themselves part of all this as their schools close down and their father is put behind bars. Their daring brother Mohan goes underground and the rest of the family moves to Narayanpur, a sleepy little village seemingly untouched by the turbulence in the country. But Narayanpur is seething within and it all comes to a head when a group of children dare to confront the police...
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