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Fun In Devlok: Shiva Plays Dumb Charades

by Devdutt Pattanaik
Publisher: Puffin (1970)    |     ISBN 10: 0143331698    |     ISBN 13: 9780143331698
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Book Summary
An unusual collection of stories from the myths which will bring the gods right into the world of children! How does Shiva talk to us without speaking? Who is the demon of forgetfulness? What is the secret of the Natraj statute? Five children are having fun one evening, playing dumb charades, when Shiva appears and wants to join in! Shiva turns out to be the best at dumb charades, as well as in asking riddles. He can say so much with only his actions! He also tells the children wonderful stories with the help of the many objects he carries with him, like the rattle drum, the crescent moon and a fountain of water that rises from his head. Soon, thanks to Shivas playfulness, the children know much more about Shiva and the other gods even more than their parents!
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