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Fun In Devlok: Saraswatis Secret River

by Devdutt Pattanaik
Publisher: Puffin (1970)    |     ISBN 10: 0143331965    |     ISBN 13: 9780143331964
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An unusual collection of stories from the myths which will bring the gods right into the world of children! Why did River Saraswati disappear? Will the vanished river ever reappear? Can you make a river flow in your school? Mrs Sivakami, principal of Madame Mira High School, is astonished when she finds Goddess Saraswati wandering the corridors of her school. The goddess is in search of a missing river! To show her the ancient river and what happened to it, Saraswati puts Mrs Sivakami on the back of Hansa, her goose, and off they go flying. The teacher sees some schools where students come and go as they please, and others where everyone has a parrot head! She then begins to understand why it is important to make the river flow again, and how she can bring the secret river to her very own school.
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