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  • Price: ₹ 175/-
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Caravan To Tibet

by Deepa Agarwal
Publisher: Puffin (1970)    |     ISBN 10: 0143330128    |     ISBN 13: 9780143330127
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In the last years of the nineteenth century, a caravan of traders sets off from the high hills of Kumaon, India, for Tibet. They traverse dangerous passes and brave blinding snowstorms, in order to carry on their traditional trade in the Tibetan markets. Among them is fourteen-year-old Debu?s father. Many days later, when the caravan returns, Debu is heartbroken to learn that his father was lost in one of the treacherous passes. Somehow he cannot believe it, and when a Tibetan trader turns up in the local market wearing an amulet remarkably similar to his father?s, he is convinced that his father is alive, somewhere in Tibet.
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