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Well, it was a bright cold day in January, and the clocks were striking thirteen. It was the best of times, for the industry was flourishing. It was the worst of times, for the market was flooded with insipid titles. And in such incredible times was born I, Fingerprint! Publishing.\nAs you must have noticed, we love our literature. So much so that we referred to the opening lines of two iconic books in the above lines (you caught that, didn't you?), and so much so that we have placed ourselves firmly in the business of bringing out books. For you.\n?Established in January 2012 (yes, it really was a cold day), Fingerprint! is one of India’s youngest publishing imprints. Owned by the publishing cell of Prakash Books*, which has published some of India’s finest coffee-table books over the years, Fingerprint! drives the house’s foray into publishing interesting paperbacks. 'Interesting' being the operative word. \nWith a 'tagline' that says Paperback Publishers of Interesting, it isn’t difficult to understand our intent. Our attitude towards publishing books is simple: of bending the rules in order to create new ones, and of embracing new tastes in writing in order to create new rockstars in publishing.\nWe are here to bring out interesting and engrossing stories; stories that engulf you instantly and leave you never. With Prakash Books backing us, authors published under Fingerprint! have an assured reach into more than 3,000 bookstores across India and abroad, including all the Wheeler stores in railway stations throughout the country, bookstore chains such as Crossword, Landmark, Oxford, Sapna, OM, etc., and all major online booksellers such as Flipkart, uRead, Amazon and Infibeam.\nThe digital version of all titles published under us also gets simultaneously released worldwide as e-books for Amazon and Kindle. The same will also be soon available on Flipkart, iBooks (Apple), and Google Books.
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  • Losing My Religion
    by Vishwas Mudagal
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  • Vishwas Mudagal on Losing My Religion