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India Grows at Night : A Liberal Case for a Strong Stage

by Gurcharan Das
Publisher: Penguin Books India (2012)    |     ISBN 10:     |     ISBN 13: 9780670084708
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When two Indians sit down to sip chai, they quickly agree that their country seems to be rising despite the state, and cynically express the idea of private success and public failure as ‘India grows at night while the government sleeps’. But how could a nation become the world’s second fastest growing economy despite a weak, flailing state? And shouldn’t India also grow during the day? The recent slowdown is a sign that India may have begun to experience the limits of growing at night. What India needs, Gurcharan Das says, is a strong liberal state. Such a state would have the authority to take quick, decisive action; it would have the rule of law to ensure those actions are legitimate; and finally, it would be accountable to the people. But achieving this will not be easy, says Das, because India has historically had a weak state and a strong society.
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About the Author
Gurcharan Das is a well known author, commentator and public intellectual. He is the author of the much acclaimed The Difficulty of Being Good, and the international bestseller ......
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