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Yaad Sheher

by Neelesh Misra
Publisher: Westland (1970)    |     ISBN 10:     |     ISBN 13: 9789382618379
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Book Summary
Yaad Sheher with Neelesh Misra is India's first ever radio show of its kind. Every weeknight between 9 and 11 pm and for 5 hours every Sunday, Neelesh Misra tells us stories set in an imaginary city, Yaad Sheher, and plays us his favorite songs on Big FM. Broadcast from 35 Cities in India, Yaad Sheher with Neelesh Misra takes you back to his childhood. Neelesh connects with his listeners through this imaginary city called “Yaad Sheher”, a city built of memories. Memories that every individual would want to hold on to, even as work-life takes over their existence. Neelesh Misra ka Yaad Sheher Volume 1 & 2 makes an attempt to re-connect you to that world.
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About the Author
Neelesh Misra is an Indian journalist, author, radio storyteller, Hindi script and lyrics writer, photographer and the Deputy Executive Editor of Hindustan Times. He also heads ......
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