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Women & The Weight Loss Tamasha (Audiobook)

by Rujuta Diwekar
Publisher: BooksTALK (2011)    |     ISBN 10:     |     ISBN 13: 9788192024585
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Book Summary
Women & The Weight Loss Tamasha is the second book by Rujuta Diwekar and is a follow-up of her first book Don’t Lose Your Mind, Lose Your Weight. It is a comprehensive guide on women, food, and everything that comes in between. In this book, Diwekar, the nutritionist, teaches the reader how to tone one’s body and bring back the glow on one’s face and that too without losing one’s sense. This book explores the various stages a woman undergoes such as being a child, an adolescent, and a married woman with in-laws. Other factors that contribute are hormonal changes, husbands, and grouchy bosses. She talks in great detail about the stages of puberty and also discusses the effects of pregnancy, motherhood, and menopause on a woman’s health, body, and weight and informs the women readers on how to stay healthy during all these phases. She discusses the unhealthy diet choices one makes during their teenage years. As a solution, she offers healthy dietary choices to help women maintain their weight. In this book, the author attacks all aspects of an Indian woman’s fight against weight and provides solutions accordingly.
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