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Wise & Otherwise (Audiobook)

by Sudha Murthy
Publisher: BooksTALK (2011)    |     ISBN 10:     |     ISBN 13: 9789381215036
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Fifty vignettes showcase the myriad shades of human nature A man dumps his aged father in an old-age home after declaring him to be a homeless stranger, a tribal chief in the Sahyadri hills teaches the author that there is humility in receiving too, and a sick woman remembers to thank her benefactor even from her deathbed. These are just some of the poignant and eye-opening stories about people from all over the country that Sudha Murty recounts in this book. From incredible examples of generosity to the meanest acts one can expect from men and women, she records everything with wry humour and a directness that touches the heart.
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