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Winter Evenings

by Navtej Sarna
Publisher: Rupa & Co. (2012)    |     ISBN 10:     |     ISBN 13: 9788129120472
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Book Summary
Two men stuck in a small mountain town develop an unlikely and unspoken friendship; a punctilious bureaucrat becomes briefly reckless at the end of his career; a high class prostitute on vacation reads The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock\' to a man recovering from the end of a long affair; the ghosts of Partition return in 1984 to destroy the equilibrium of a tough Sikh matriarch; an ageing widow finds freedom and peace in poetry. In clean, understated prose, Navtej Sarna\'s stories take us through the landscapes of Geneva, Shimla, Paris, Moscow, Delhi and Bombay, where everyday people find or lose their way in life quietly, almost by accident. Marked by rare sensitivity and compassion. this collection by the acclaimed author of \"The Exile\" and \"We Weren\'t Lovers Like That\" is a poignant ode to the human spirit.
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About the Author
Navtej Sarna studied Commerce and Law at Delhi University and joined the Indian Foreign Service in 1980. He is presently India's Ambassador to Israel and has earlier served ......
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