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What on Earth Happened?

by Christopher Lloyd
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing (2012)    |     ISBN 10:     |     ISBN 13: 9781408834831
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In What on Earth Happened?, Christopher Lloyd tells our story from the very beginning of time to the present day, taking giant narrative leaps across millennia and continents. Along the way, he explains exactly how Muslim conquest gave Spain its paella, how the Earth's collision with another young planet created the moon, how dragonflies the size of seagulls emerged out of the prehistoric waters, and how the Big Bang can be detected in your television. Accessible and endlessly entertaining, this massive book draws on disciplines as wide-ranging as astrophysics and anthropology and will appeal to experts, amateur enthusiasts and the simply curious alike. Completed by 250 colourful photographs, maps, historic paintings, engravings and specially commissioned illustrations, What on Earth Happened? takes an entertaining and informed sideways look at the last 13.7 billion years in the life of our universe.
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About the Author
Christopher Lloyd graduated from Peterhouse, Cambridge, in 1991 with two scholarships and a double first-class degree in History. He then became a graduate trainee journalist on ......
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