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We Weren't Lovers Like That

by Navtej Sarna
Publisher: Penguin Books India (2003)    |     ISBN 10:     |     ISBN 13: 9780143029618
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Book Summary
At the start of the new millennium, Aftab\'s life came undone. He turned forty, and his wife of fourteen years left him for another man, taking their only child with her. Now he is on a train to Dehradun, the town of his childhood, doing the one thing he feels he is still good at: running away. As he looks back on his imperfect past, crowded with personal and professional compromises, only a slim hope saves him from despair: perhaps this flight will give him a second chance to reclaim a long-lost love that could have been his, had he the courage of his convictions. And then he can start afresh. With uncommon sensitivity and a rare understanding of human emotions, Navtej Sarna has produced a poignant account of a life of missed opportunities and approximate loves.
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About the Author
Navtej Sarna studied Commerce and Law at Delhi University and joined the Indian Foreign Service in 1980. He is presently India's Ambassador to Israel and has earlier served ......
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