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Tales from Shining and Sinking India

by Akash Banerjee
Publisher: Amaryllis (2012)    |     ISBN 10: 9381506213    |     ISBN 13:
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Tales from Shining and Sinking India brings to the fore, a realistic and detailed account of how broadcast media works in the country. The challenges, the technology and the editorial calls that go behind getting the true picture from ground zero. Akash Banerjee draws from his experience of close to a decade on the field, to detail how news channels have reported some of the biggest stories of our time. From the darkest hour of the 26/11 attacks to the proudest moment of sending Chandrayaan to the Moon. From the spectacular fall of the Left parties to the unprecedented rise of Anna Hazare. From the poverty fueled Naxal movement in the heartlands to the diverse festivals that glue together the hearts of millions. At a time when the broadcast media is coming under fire for alleged opportunism, profit making and dereliction of duty, this book offers a detailed insight into how news channels really function. Provocative and insightful, the essays talk about how broadcast journalists continue to remain loyal to their core competency of getting the news and the pictures, first, even risking their life and limbs in the process. That is why, despite all the competition from the web and social media platforms, it’s still news channels that people tune into to get the big story as it develops.
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About the Author
Over the last few years Akash Banerjee has built up an enviable reporting portfolio for himself. Specialising in conflict reporting and political coverage, he has covered a wide ......
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