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  • Price: ₹ 195/-
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No Guns At My Sons Funeral

by Paro Anand
Publisher: India Ink (1970)    |     ISBN 10: 8186939172    |     ISBN 13: 9788186939178
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Aftab, a young kashmiri boy, leads a double life. By day, he is a normal, bubbly teenager whose prime concerns are cricket, family and friends. The night holds the secrets of the life of a child, one who sneaks away to confabulate with Akram and his fledgling group of tearaway terrorists. Akram so handsome, so exciting. But what Aftab doesn't realize, so dangerous. Aftab is in complete awe of Akram and is willing to follow him to the ends of the earth. And Akram is more than willing to send him there.
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About the Author
Paro Anand is the author of 18 books for children and young adults, including plays, short stories, novellas and novels. She is also published in several anthologies and has ......
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