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Goal, Butterfingers!

by Khyrunnisa A
Publisher: Penguin Books India (2012)    |     ISBN 10: 0143332082    |     ISBN 13:
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Book Summary
Obsessed with football, Amar comes up with a brilliant plan a school football tournament where each class will play as a different country. But like all Butterfingers plans, this too is doomed to run into obstacles. First there are more girls in school (meaning, more trouble!), then the new English teacher, Sourpuss, puts a stop to football practice; to top it all, when Amar and his friends participate in a protest rally, trying to prevent a pesticide factory from coming up, their Princi hands out match bans. With things hitting rock bottom, will Amars class finally lift the World Cup? And with Butterfingers as the goalie, does his team really have a chance? Full of action and adventure, Goal, Butterfingers!, the second book in the Butterfingers series, will make you lose yourself in the hilarious exploits of Amar and his friends as they hurtle through various hare-brained schemes.
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About the Author
A prize-winning author of children's fiction, created the popular comic character Butterfingers for the children's magazine, Tinkle. Her Butterfingers stories are a regular ......
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