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Days of Gold and Sepia

by Yasmeen Premji
Publisher: HarperCollins India (2012)    |     ISBN 10:     |     ISBN 13: 9789350293300
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This is the saga of Lalljee Lakha as he rises from his humble beginnings as a penniless orphan in his desert homeland of Kutch to amass a large fortune as Bombay’s ‘Cotton King’. Set against the eventful period between India’s War for Independence in 1857 and the fledgling freedom struggle of the early twentieth century, this sweeping tale is peopled by a vibrant array of characters – merchant princes and maharajas, courtesans and soothsayers, pirates, freedom fighters and soldiers of the British Raj. Days of Gold and Sepia paints the portrait of a man of courage and character, and is the story of the discovery of life, the pain of a passionate and doomed love and family feuds, and of great personal integrity and human frailty.
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About the Author
Born and raised in erstwhile Bombay, graduated from St. Xaviers College before completing her masters degree from Smith College, USA. She worked as assistant editor for the Indian ......
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