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Book Summary
Today s India is seeing things it has never seen before medals in Olympics, cheerleaders in cricket, ready–to–cook pastas, kissing scenes on national television, institutes for air hostesses, fairness creams for men, agricultural tips on SMS and marriages arranged on the internet. In Consumer India, Dheeraj Sinha weaves the narrative of a changing India through examples of Bollywood, our cultural conditioning, today s role models, our behavior as consumers, and the role of brands and marketing amid all this.
How does a culture that has been taught to be wary about money now respond to its abundance what implications does this have for finance brands? Does
Kakaji Namkeen qualify as a brand? It sells the same wafers (well, almost the same) as Lay s does, gives more value for the money, and spends nothing in
advertising. Can a mass brand have a premium offering in India? What is it about caller ringtones that makes them such a success? India is about its large middle–class consumers, but isn t there a profitable premium segment emerging? In a country where everyone is feeling young, what happens to the real youth?
Like everything else in India, marketing too is part logic, part gut. Drawing upon facts, fiction and personal experience, Sinha unravels the interconnections between the mind and the wallet of today s Indian consumer. A practitioner s account of what Indian consumer wants from the playing field, not the sidelines.
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