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About Us:

AuthorTV has been conceived as a platform for interaction between Authors and readers. We want Authors to talk about their latest projects and books - while it is under development - as well as when it is published. We envision AuthorTV as a place where Authors are face to face with their readers and fans. Their social presence is captured through Social feeds and their books are easily available for purchase from multiple vendors. We also see long form discussions happening around ideas right here with the Authors participation. 

We are building AuthorTV for you. Do write in with your ideas to mythoughts@authortv.in.

Letter from the Founder

Welcome to AuthorTV.

AuthorTV is for lovers of literature. It made complete sense to make the soft launch alongside the debut of The Bangalore Literature Festival on 7th December 2012 and the 5th edition of the Bookaroo, Children's Literature Festival at Delhi.

We had a simple idea. Enable virtual face to face interaction between Authors and their fans and readers. Leverage technology to build a social network dedicated to literature and books. A place where Authors, book lovers, illustrators, editors, publishers and all those who are part of this evolving and exciting world of books, irrespective of language, can - meet, initiate and continue dialogues and debates.

There is a lot to do going forward and let me not put out spoiler alerts here. We have made a small and significant start to our adventure. We are overwhelmed by the support we have received from Authors from across continents. We are sure what you have in front of you now is the very first, starting mark and doubtless you will see major strides in the next weeks.

I look forward to your being with us in this journey. And if you like what you see, spread the word.

Warm regards,

Founder, AuthorTV
Bangalore, December 2012.